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Re:[aspectj-users] Load-time weaving problem


thanks for your reply!

On 25.02.2008, at 21:26, Kunal Pathak wrote:

Are you using the aj command to see the output? Have you created the aop.xml that is essential for weaving the aspects at load-time?

No, I'm using the java executable of Mac OS X and provide a java agent. Like: java -javaagent:lib/aspectjweaver.jar ....

The problem was to not have an aop.xml (stupid me!) but now I have a question regarding this file. I'm using the 'new' @AspectJ syntax and my aspects are annotated with @Aspect. Load-time weaving now works with a aop.xml like this:

	    <aspects options="-verbose -debug">
	        <aspect name=""/>
	    <weaver options="-verbose">
	        <include within="*"/>

Unfortunately I have to explicitly name the aspect by it's class name. I think the weaver could be smart enough to find the annotated classes automatically? Is that possible as well?

Best regards and thanks in advance,

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