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[aspectj-users] Possible synchronization problem in org.aspectj.weaver.World$TypeMap

I have a VM in a cluster that will sometimes stop taking work. The thread dump shows that one thread is holding a lock in Spring code and blocking all the other threads. The blocking thread appears to be stuck in an infinite loop in java.util.WeakHashMap.

It appears that there is no synchronization of access to the org.aspectj.weaver.World$TypeMap.expendableMap which can cause corruption and the WeakHashMap.get() method to go into an infinite loop - at least on the IBM 1.5 JVM. We've seen and fixed this behavior before in other code (eg. Sun's javax.el implementation).

State : Waiting on condition
Owns Monitor Lock on
Java Stack
at java/util/WeakHashMap.get( Code))
at org/aspectj/weaver/World$TypeMap.get( Code))
at org/aspectj/weaver/World.resolve( Code))
at org/aspectj/weaver/World.resolve( Code))
at org/aspectj/weaver/World.resolve( Code))
at org/aspectj/weaver/internal/tools/ PointcutExpressionImpl .couldMatchJoinPointsInType( Code)) at org/springframework/aop/aspectj/ AspectJExpressionPointcut.matches( 218(Compiled Code)) at org/springframework/aop/support/AopUtils.canApply( 189(Compiled Code)) at org/springframework/aop/support/AopUtils.canApply( 244(Compiled Code)) at org/springframework/aop/support/ AopUtils.findAdvisorsThatCanApply( Code)) at org/springframework/aop/framework/autoproxy/ AbstractAdvisorAutoProxyCreator .findEligibleAdvisors( Code))

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