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Re: [aspectj-users] questions about WeavingURLClassLoader

On Tuesday 5 February 2008 Luca Ferrari's cat, walking on the keyboard, wrote:
> So the adaptor is used to obtain a byte array for the new weaved class, and
> then the base class of the loader (that could be the root class loader) is
> used to define the class with the byte array. Doing this the same class
> cannot be weaved again with another aspect later, because it is not the
> weaver class loader that is defining the class, but its parent. In other
> words, even with multiple WeavingClassLoaders the same class (i.e., the
> same class name) could not have different implementations, right?

One thing I was noting is that the WeavingURLClassLoader is an extension of 
ExtensibleURLClassLoader, and in fact it is such loader that loads by itself 
the weaved class, so there's is the possibility to load different weaved 
class with the same name by different loaders.


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