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Re: [aspectj-users] Preventing Reflection

Here's a skeleton aspect that records when an object has been created through reflection, then monitors calls to it. 

First a main class that drives instantiating two classes MyClass1 and MyClass2. I will "monitor" just MyClass1:

package reflect;

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {
MyClass1 mc1 = new MyClass1("myclass1");
System.out.println("Normal MyClass1: "+mc1.getName());
MyClass2 mc2 = new MyClass2("myclass2");
System.out.println("Normal MyClass2: "+mc2.getName());
try {
Class<?> myClass1 = Class.forName("reflect.MyClass1");
MyClass1 mc1b = (MyClass1) myClass1.newInstance();
System.out.println("Reflected MyClass1: "+mc1b.getName());
Class<?> myClass2 = Class.forName("reflect.MyClass2");
MyClass2 mc2b = (MyClass2) myClass2.newInstance();
System.out.println("Reflected MyClass2: "+mc2b.getName());
} catch (Throwable e) {



package reflect;

public class MyClass1 {
private String name;

public MyClass1(String name) { = name; }
public MyClass1() { = "<none>"; }

public String getName() { return name; }
public String toString() { return getClass().getName() + ": " + getName(); }

MyClass2 is identical; just a name change.  Here's the aspect:

package reflect;

import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;

public aspect ReflectionWatcher {
// Watch for a particular class being fetched with reflection.
pointcut forNameCall() : 
call(Class<?> Class.forName(String)); 

after() returning(Class<?> clazz): forNameCall() {
if (clazz == MyClass1.class)
System.out.println("Reflecting "+clazz.getName());

// Watch for an instance being created with reflection.
pointcut newInstanceCall(): call(Object Class.newInstance());

static Set reflectedObjects = new HashSet();

after() returning(Object instance): newInstanceCall() {

pointcut objectCall(MyClass1 obj1) : call (* *.*(..)) 
&& target(obj1) 
&& if (reflectedObjects.contains(obj1));

before(MyClass1 obj1): objectCall(obj1) {
// Be careful here about calling methods on obj1, like toString();
// infinite recursion lurks here! fix with !cflowbelow(...)
System.out.println("Calling method on reflected object!");
(I would break this up a little for a real implementation ;)  The first pointcut and after advice prints a message anytime Class.forName() is
used. The second pointcut and after returning advice remembers all objects that were constructed with Class.newInstance(). WARNING:
these objects will never be garbage collected unless you either (i) remove them from the set at some point or (ii) use a weak data structure...

Finally, the last pointcut and before advise prints a message if any method is called on any of these objects reflected objects. 

If you run main, you should see this:

Normal MyClass1: myclass1
Normal MyClass2: myclass2
Reflecting reflect.MyClass1
Calling method on reflected object!
Reflected MyClass1: <none>
Reflected MyClass2: <none>


On Jan 13, 2008, at 10:43 AM, Dehua Zhang wrote:

This will not work since the target is the object of type java.lang.reflex.*.
Try the following, you will see,

public privileged aspect BlockReflection
 pointcut captureReflection(): call(* java.lang.reflect..*.*(..));
 before() : captureReflection()
   System.out.println("target type: " + thisJoinPoint.getTarget().getClass());

You may also want have a look at

Dehua Zhang
Sable Research Group, McGill University
Montréal, Québec, Canada

-----Original Message-----
From: aspectj-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of Rob Austin
Sent: Sun 1/13/2008 10:17
To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aspectj-users] Preventing Reflection


Can you tell me if it's possible to catch reflection on a specific class,
and where reflection does occur get a handle on the target object?

Something like this, except that this doesn't work:

public privileged aspect BlockReflection

pointcut captureReflection(apoptotic.bookTrading.BookSellerAgent seller):
call(* java.lang.reflect..*.*(..))  && target(seller);
 before(apoptotic.bookTrading.BookSellerAgent seller) :
     // call a method on the object which was targetted by reflection


Really appreciate it.


aspectj-users mailing list

Dean Wampler, Ph.D.
dean at
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