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Re: [aspectj-users] Export an aspectj enabled feature.

On 28/11/2007, Johan Haleby <haleby@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Thanks for your answers, it makes sense. However I still don't get it to
> work. Since my aspectj plugins depend on the org.aspectj.runtime I figure
> that I have to supply an aspectj runtime bundle when I deploy my project
> into a new eclipse environment. The aspectj bundles are however not
> resolved, due to "Missing required bundle org.aspectj.runtime_0.0.0". So
> which Aspectj plugin should I put into the Eclipse plugins directory in
> order for this to work?! The aspectjrt.jar has bundle information specified
> in its manifest but it doesn't seem to work to just drop it in the plugins
> folder.
> Another question that I have is if you have to deploy your aspects projects
> (i.e. where the aspects are actually defined) as well in order to get things
> to work? Do I have to include the aspectjrt.jar in the bundle class path for
> each project using aspectj? I find these things quite confusing.

I'm afraid I'm a bit out of my depth now - I don't do much plugin
development right now.  I'll have to defer to someone else on the list
who can hopefully explain the setup.  AJDT is itself an AspectJ
enabled plugin (features like error handling in AJDT is done using
aspects), maybe take a look at its configuration?


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