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[aspectj-users] Xlint:unmatchedSuperTypeInCall is unpreventable and uninformative

I’m getting this compiler warning (Xlint:unmatchedSuperTypeInCall) for a call( * T+.*( .. ) ) pointcut (defined on a per.  What amazes me about it is that there seems to be

1.       absolutely no way to put a declaring type T (other than “Object”) in the join point signature and still avoid this warning if someone, somewhere, calls an overridden method in T on a statically-determined supertype of T

2.       absolutely no information in the warning message about the where the call is that necessitated it, only that it exists somewhere


I suppose my join point signature could be call( * *( .. ) ), which I presume would blow my bytecode and latency up by a significant factor.


Is there any point to this warning?



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