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[aspectj-users] ASPECTPATH error

I'm a newbie trying to use aj.bat to do LTW in JDK.4. It was specified that
the jar file containing the aspects should be set in the variable
ASPECTPATH. I could see ASPECTPATH is used as follows 
"-Daj.class.path=%ASPECTPATH%;%CLASSPATH%" "-Daj.aspect.path=%ASPECTPATH%"
in aj.bat file. 
The strange thing is when I don't set this ASPECTPATH variable, AspectJ LTW
works fine, all interceptions work as expected. But when I set this
ASPECTPATH to my jar file, I get the following error and the program
Message: abort trouble in: 
public class com.SimpleRepository extends java.lang.Object implements, com.RepositoryIf, com.EditOkCancelIf:
  java.util.Hashtable _tab
  java.util.Stack _oldTabStack
  public void <init>():
                    ALOAD_0     // Lcom/SimpleRepository; this   (line 31)
                    INVOKESPECIAL java.lang.Object.<init> ()V
    constructor-execution(void com.SimpleRepository.<init>())
    |               ALOAD_0     // Lcom/SimpleRepository; this   (line 32)
    |               NEW java.util.Hashtable
    |               DUP
    | constructor-call(void java.util.Hashtable.<init>())
    | |             INVOKESPECIAL java.util.Hashtable.<init> ()V
    | constructor-call(void java.util.Hashtable.<init>())
    |               PUTFIELD com.SimpleRepository._tab Ljava/util/Hashtable;
    |               ALOAD_0     // Lcom/SimpleRepository; this   (line 33)
    |               NEW java.util.Stack
    |               DUP

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