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[aspectj-users] "AspectJ question"

Hi All,

I´m working with AspectJ and recently get a Problem:

In order to ilustrate, consider the simple example:

public class C{

  public void m(int a, int b){ }


And an aspect like:

public aspect AspectoC {

     // Advice to run at beginning of every execution of method m()

      before(C current) :

            execution(void C.m(int ,int)) &&

            within(teste.C) &&



            System.out.println("Code executed (I want to run in SECOND, but it runs in FIRST!!) before any code of method m() in Class C executes");


            // Advice to run a specific code at beginning of all methods non-static!

      before(C current) :

            execution(!static * C.*(..)) &&

            within(teste.C) &&



            System.out.println("This (I want to run in FIRST before everything) must execute before anything in methdo m() in Class C");



The question is: Is there a possibility to execute the second advice always in FIRST?


 - The second advice is applicable to all methods in Class C, but a method m() is affected by the first advice. Thus, the first advice executes first than the second. I want a way to apply to all methods non-static to execute the second advice at FIRST. And if there is a method that has an advice that affected it, I would like that this advice executes after that the advice that affect all methods non-static.


IF I execute this code it returns this result:

Code executed (I want to run in SECOND, but it runs in FIRST!!) before any code of method m() in Class C executes

This (I want to run in FIRST before everything) must execute before anything in methdo m() in Class C

(So , I want a way to bring me a inverse result!!!)

Thanks to ALL!

Henrique Mostaert
EIG 2005 - Eclipse Innovation Grant - Awards Program
Sun Certified Programmer for Java2 platform 1.4

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