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[aspectj-users] Add per-class static log4j instance using AspectJ.


I have the following class :

 public class Bar {
   public void test() {

I want to use AspectJ AOP to add a private static log4j instance that is
initialized with the current classname as category, so subsequent calls
to the logger will log under this category.

So AspectJ should generate something like the following in the bytecode:

 public class Bar {

   private static org.apache.log4j.Logger logger = null;

   static {
     logger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(Bar.class.getName());

   public void test() {

Is this possible?

Also I noticed that if I want to add a member 'logger' to my class
'Bar' using AspectJ, I have to add the following to the aspect:

public aspect MyTracingAspect {

 private static org.apache.log4j.Logger Bar.logger = null;


However instead of Bar.logger, I want to put something like (*).logger,
so the logger member is added to all types on which the aspect is applied.

Best regards,
Davy Toch

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