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[aspectj-users] bytecode weaving problem with iajc

Hi all,

I've another problem with aspectj and bytecode weaving using iajc ANT
task. I need to weave a binary aspect with a compiled java code. The
code of the ANT task is:
<iajc destdir="${tmp.dir}" inpathDirCopyFilter="**/CVS/*,**/*.java"
       <pathelement location="${target.J2EE.classes.dir}"/> <!-- where
					are located java classes -->
   <aspectpath location="${repos.J2EE.aspect.dir}" /> <!-- where are
					located my binary aspects-->
   <classpath refid="classpath" />
When I start my application with tomcat all thinks works well unless for
a class. Really this class is an interface and when I try to use it I
receive a runtime exception like the following:

...Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassFormatError: Constants (Illegal method modifiers: 0x1A)

I have discovered that this is a known bug ( Bugzilla Bug 80571 ). So I
have upgraded my AspectJ version to 1.5.3 ( latest stable release ), but
I've not solved my problem.
I use jdk1.5.0_09  with  jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28  and AspectJ 1.5.3.

There is another way to solve my problem or I need to waiting for a fix
of this bug? At the moment is it possible to implement bytecode weaving
if there are interface in the java application?

thank you and best regards


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