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[aspectj-users] Bytecode weaving problems

Hi All,

I try to weave binary aspects with some java bytecode classes using an ANT task. I just have source code of the aspects. So I first compile separately my aspects and than I weave them with my java ( pre-compiled .class ) code. My ANT script is:

<taskdef resource="org/aspectj/tools/ant/taskdefs/">
             <pathelement location="${lib.dir}/aspectjtools.jar"/>
<!-- Aspect compilation -->
   <target name="compile" depends="prepare">
       <ajc destdir="${repos.J2EE.aspect.dir}">
<classpath refid="classpathAJ" /> <src location="${repos.J2EE.aspect.dir}" />
<!-- Bytecode weaving. Classpath includes tomcat, aspectj, and target application necessary libs -->
<target name="weave" depends="compile">
<iajc destdir="${deploy.J2EE.out.webinf.classes.dir}" inpathDirCopyFilter="**/CVS/*,**/*.java">
           <!-- Java classes-->
               <pathelement location="${target.J2EE.classes.dir}"/>
               <pathelement location="${target.J2EE.all.dir}"/>
           <!-- Binary aspect -->
           <aspectpath location="${repos.J2EE.aspect.dir}" />
           <classpath refid="classpath" />

So the compilation is ok, but when "weave task" is executed I receive many errors like the following:

[iajc] C:\....profile\AddFeedAction.class [error] can't determine superclass of missing type javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
    [iajc] when weaving classes
    [iajc] when weaving
    [iajc] when batch building BuildConfig[null] #Files=0
    [iajc] [Xlint:cantFindType]
    [iajc] (no source information available)
[iajc] C:\....profile\AddFeedAction.class [error] can't determine superclass of missing type javax.servlet.http.HttpSession
    [iajc] when weaving classes
    [iajc] when weaving
    [iajc] when batch building BuildConfig[null] #Files=0
    [iajc] [Xlint:cantFindType]
    [iajc] (no source information available)
[iajc] C:\....profile\AddFeedAction.class [error] can't determine superclass of missing type javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
    [iajc] when weaving classes
    [iajc] when weaving
    [iajc] when batch building BuildConfig[null] #Files=0
    [iajc] [Xlint:cantFindType]
    [iajc] (no source information available)

It seems to be a classpath error, but I have included all necessary libs.

Can you help me please? Where I am wrong?

best regards


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