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[aspectj-users] webstart integration


I'm trying to integrate aspectj in a webstart application. The
idea is to log some interesting behavior of the application
for security purposes.
Here is the relevant lines I use in a ant script file:
<target name="dynamicWS" if="doWs">
		<java classname="com.sun.javaws.Main" fork="true">
location="${aspectj.home}/lib/aspectjweaver.jar" />
				<pathelement location="${log4j.home}/log4j-1.2.14.jar" />
				<pathelement location="aspect.jar" />
				<pathelement location="${java.home}/lib/deploy.jar"/>
				<pathelement path="${java.class.path}" />
value="-javaagent:${aspectj.home}\lib\aspectjweaver.jar" />
			<arg value="${runtimeParameter}" />
What it does: run the application
What it doesn't do: starting aspectj

If I remove the -Xbootclasspath line, it starts java WebStart
monitor, with aspectj, but the web start monitor seems to make
a Runtime.exec() call, and the application itself runs in
another jvm ... and the application itself runs without aspectj.
Any idea ?

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