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Re: [aspectj-users] Pointcut definitonn to capture annotations on parameters

Nope package and parameter annotation matching is not supported yet:

(Package and Parameter Annotations

Matching on package and parameter annotations is not supported in
AspectJ 1.5.0. Support for this capability may be considered in a
future release. )

.w( the_mindstorm )p.

On 12/1/06, Gargan, Stephen <sgargan@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I have been trying to define a pointcut to capture annotations on parameters
in methods and I'm wondering if it is possible  i.e. one that could capture
the following based on the presence of the SimpleAnnotation

public void setValue(int example, @SimpleAnnotation(type= "Method
Parameter") String value)


      this.value = value;


It seems that the following definition will only capture annotations on
parameters if the parameter type contains the annotation

pointcut executionSimplyAnnotatedParameter() : execution(*
*.*(@SimpleAnnotation *)) ;


public void setAnnotatedType(AnnotatedType t){}

@SimpleAnnotation(type = "Annotated")

private class AnnotatedType{}

Can parameter level annotations be the subjects of pointcuts?

If so is it also possible to capture such joinpoints if the annotation has a
marker annotation introduced into the annotation?

That is, given SimpleAnnotation is in the simple.annotation pkg

declare @type : simple.annotation..*Annotation : @SimpleMarker;

annotates SimpleAnnotation with the SimpleMarker annotation.

Would it be possible to capture the above setValue Method based on defining
pointcuts with something along the lines of @(@SimpleMarker)

Any light anyone can shed on this would be excellent.

Thanks in advance,

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