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[aspectj-users] Re: Weird problem with AJDT: source full of inexistent errors


I get spurious errors from my aspect projects reasonably often.
I alway do Project->Clean when I have a problem I do not understand,
as that makes spurious problems go away.
I have not reported in in bugzilla as it is hard to reproduce.


On 9/5/06, José González Gómez <jgonzalez.openinput@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi there,

I'm facing a really weird behavior of AJDT and would like to know if
somebody has found the same. The behavior seemed to be kind of random, but
it seems I've been able to reproduce it consistently. The steps:

1. I have an aspect named JavaBeanAspect.aj, opened with the AspectJ/Java
editor, showing a lot of error markers. The errors seemed to be caused by
Eclipse parsing the file as a java file instead of as an aspect. For
example, the first marker I get says "Syntax error on token "aspect",
interface expected". A lot of syntax errors follow.

2. I close Eclipse.

3. I open Eclipse. The already opened file still shows the error markers,
while Eclipse is building the workspace. Once the percentage reaches 74%
(don't know if this is important) the error markers disappear, and I see a
perfectly correct aspect with its advice markers.

4. I edit the aspect, making some noticeable change (let's say I write
anything to the console that I wasn't writing before). I save the aspect,
and Eclipse builds the workspace. At some point while building the
workspace, Eclipse again shows the error markers I describe at point 1. Once
reached this point I haven't been able to go back to a correct state
regarding error markers, and I'm unable to know if I'm really making any
mistake while coding, as the errors shown aren't correct.

5. I run the application. I get a warning telling me that there are errors,
but I anyway continue. The application runs correctly, with the change
introduced in point 4.

Any ideas? I'm totally lost.

Using Eclipse 3.2, AJDT, with a bunch of other plugins.

Thanks in advance, best regards

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