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[aspectj-users] Problem with incremental compiling in ajc

I am using ajc with incremental compilation and seem to be running
into a problem having it actually perform an incremental build.  I
have tried this with versions 1.5.2a, 1.5.2, 1.5.0

I have a system that I added a single tracing aspect to which advises
the following pointcut:

pointcut tracePc() : execution(* org.gudy.azureus2.ui..*(..));

The number of advised classes is 10 and 22 for the two packages targeted.

When I simply change the pointcut to point to a different sub-package
and tell ajc to do an incremental compile (by pressing enter, or by
touching the tagfile when I'm using ant builds), it winds up doing a
full recompile.

Also, when I make a minor change to one of my java files that
references other types in the system (with 0 or more aspects) I wind
up getting all kinds of type not found errors.  I figured out I had to
add my destination directory to the classpath which solved the
compilation errors, but now ajc is resorting to a full build again.  A
simple file which references no types outside of its' own .java file
does an incremental compile with no problem.

Here is the command line I use to compile:

ajc -incremental -sourceroots "com:org" -d dest

Here is the ant task I also tried:

<iajc tagfile="tagfile.txt" sourceroots="com${path.separator}org"
<classpath refid="libs.classpath"/>

PS - I verified it's doing full builds by comparing modification times
of the .class files - every file is being modified in the cases above
that I state it is doing a full build.


Robert Dyer

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