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[aspectj-users] thisJoinPoint.getSignature().getMethod() returns NULL in a call join point

I have the following strange behavior, where I’m not sure, if it’s a bug or if it’s a mistake on my side. I just prepared a small test case to show it
I have 2 interfaces, the first, the top defines mayPerform
public interface Authorization {
      boolean mayPerform(String user, String action);
The second extends the first and adds
public interface AuthorizationAdmin extends Authorization {
      boolean mayPerform2(String user, String action);
Then there is an implementation of these 2 methods doing nothing spectacular:
public class AuthorizationImpl implements AuthorizationAdmin {
      /* ========== interface Authorization ============*/
      public boolean mayPerform(String user, String action) {
            System.out.println("executing mayPerform()");
            return true;
      /* ========== interface AuthorizationAdmin  ============*/
      public boolean mayPerform2(String user, String action) {
            System.out.println("executing mayPerform2()");
            return true;
Here is the aspect, which returns NULL when calling the method mayPerform(..) on the Authorization Interface but when I call mayPerform2(..) it works fine.
public aspect CallAndMethodSignatureAspect {
      pointcut callAnyPublicMethodInAuthorization() : call(public * Authorization+.*(..) );
      Object around() : callAnyPublicMethodInAuthorization() {
            MethodSignature methodSignature = (MethodSignature) thisJoinPoint.getSignature();
            // returns NULL when calling a method defined in the top interface "Authorization"
            Method method = methodSignature.getMethod();
            return proceed();
Here is the unit test
import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class CallTest extends TestCase {
      private AuthorizationAdmin admin;
      public void testMayPerform() {
            admin = new AuthorizationImpl();
            boolean bool = admin.mayPerform("peter", "query");
      public void testMayPerform2() {
            admin = new AuthorizationImpl();
            boolean bool = admin.mayPerform2("peter2", "query2");
Why is that ? If I switch to execution instead of call then it works as expected. I can also provide the test project, if required.
I’m using AspectJ 1.5.2.

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