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Re: [aspectj-users] Re: [aspectj-dev] aspect keyword != @Aspect ?

It wasn't any written code that was calling aspectOf(), it was code that was generated by the weaving process. I found that it was related to a target parameter on the iajc task, so it was a compilation mistake like you thought.


Wes Isberg <wes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Eric -

So far I think the only problem you cite is the compile
error with the aspectOf methods, but this is cited as an
exception in the documentation I linked:

these methods will not be visible to the compiler
and will result in a compilation error if another
part of the program tries to call them

The workaround there is to use the Aspects class.

But if/since your error is at runtime, you should email the
stack trace. Perhaps the class or a required class is not
visible to Aspects, Aspects is relying on security
permissions it doesn't have, etc.

You can also submit a bug report.

Thanks -

On Sat, 5 Aug 2006 13:23:25 -0700 (PDT)
Eric Crahen wrote:
> Thanks Wes for the explaination.
> It makes total sense that the annotation based pure java
> style aspect would compile into something different. That
> statement on the next page about the aspect keyword and
> @Aspect can be a bit confusing if you don't take a minute
> to stop and think about how it must be working (like I
> didn't :] ). I think It might make sense to update the
> documentation I refered to define equivalence in as
> semantically equaivalent but implemented differently, or
> have a footnote with a link to the whats different.
> As for the build step, I think you're probably right and
> I've got something wrong. But I'm not sure what I'm not
> doing correctly. I compile the aspect into a jar by
> itself:
> source="1.5" target="1.5"
> outJar="myaspect.jar"
> XterminateAfterCompilation="true">


> Later, I run iajc again to apply the aspect to a simple
> HelloWorld example:
> source="1.5" target="1.5"
> outJar="example.jar">


> Then I run the app with both jars on the classpath that
> I'll hit that NoSuchMuchException I described before.
> I've also tried a variation where I just did it all with
> one iajc task and put the aspect and example sources into
> the sourceroots element, but got the same results.
> Is there an option that says weave annotation style
> aspects? I didn't notice one.
> Are there any examples the demonstrate compile time
> weaving an annotation based aspect?
> - Eric
> Wes wrote: body { margin: 5px;
> font-size:10pt; font-family:"Arial";
> color: black; scrollbar-base-color: #d4d4d4;
> scrollbar-arrow-color: #020202;
> scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #4f4f4f;
> scrollbar-face-color: #c2c2c2;
> scrollbar-highlight-color: #ececec;
> scrollbar-shadow-color: #878787;
> scrollbar-track-color: #d4d4d4;} ol { margin-top:
> 5px; margin-bottom: 5px;} ul { margin-top: 5px;
> margin-bottom: 5px;} blockquote { margin-top: 5px;
> margin-bottom: 5px;} Hi Eric -
> Thanks for a well-worded question; you put a lot of work
> into the investigation. Overall, annotation-style and
> code-style aspects should be semantically the same,
> subject to the exceptions mentioned in the documentation
> (including the aspectOf() method) and subject to any
> bugs in implementing annotation-style. However, there is
> no guarantee that code-style and annotation-style are
> implemented the same way. If the annotation-style
> aspects didn't apply at all, I would suspect mistake in
> the build configuration for that aspect.
> The documentation on @AspectJ style aspects describes
> some differences from code-style aspects, including the
> aspectOf method:
> (See also exceptions for proceed(), privileged,
> thisJoinPoint, etc.)
> We recommend against decompiling to understand AspectJ
> semantics because the implementation techniques can vary
> between releases or styles of AspectJ and because it's
> hard to do. More often than not, users find "problems"
> -- things that shouldn't work (but actually do) --
> because they misinterpret the bytecode. In this case,
> you found a true difference in the aspectOf() method,
> but one which would have been easier to understand as an
> exception from reading the documentation.
> (This is not to say the documentation is easy to read or
> complete; please let us know when/where it isn't.)
> Thanks -
> Wes
> ------------Original Message------------
> From: Eric Crahen
> To: aspectj-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Fri, Aug-4-2006 8:11 PM
> Subject: [aspectj-dev] aspect keyword != @Aspect ?
> I'm having difficulty understanding the difference
> between the aspect keyword and the @Aspect annotation.
> According to the documentation the aspect keyword and the
> @Aspect annotation are the same. In practice, this
> seems not to be true; or I am making a giant
> mistake.
> "The use of the @AspectJ annotations means that there
> are large classes of AspectJ applications that can be
> compiled by a regular Java 5 compiler, and
> subsequently woven by the AspectJ weaver (for example,
> as an additional build stage, or as late as class
> load-time). In this chapter we introduce the @AspectJ
> annotations and show how they can be used to declare
> aspects and aspect members."
> The example on the next page reenforces this notion:
> "The declaration:
> @Aspect
> public class Foo {}
> Is equivalent to:
> public aspect Foo {}
> "
> So that's why I think these two methods should produce
> equivalent results, below is why I'm finding they do
> not:
> The two simple examples show below do not produce
> equivalent output. Its easy to see after building each
> separately and dumping the class signatures with
> javap, its easy to see there are lots of generated
> methods added to the TestAspect.class from sample #1,
> sample #2 on the other hand doesn't contain any of
> these things.
> // Sample #1
> //
> public aspect TestAspect {
> @Pointcut("execution(* *(..))")
> public void pc() {}
> @Before("pc()")
> public void beforePc() {
> }
> }
> // Sample #2
> //
> @Aspect
> public class TestAspect {
> @Pointcut("execution(* *(..))")
> public void pc() {}
> @Before("pc()")
> public void beforePc() {
> }
> }
> If I take it a step further and actually apply the
> aspect to a simple HelloWorld example with the compile
> time weaver. The first version using the keyword runs
> just fine. Dumping the code with javap I can confirm
> that the aspect was woven into the class. The second
> version using the aspect does not work. The HelloWorld
> program references methods that are not actually
> generated for the aspect version
> (TestAspect.aspectOf() for example).
> I haven't attempted load time weaving, but I will not
> be using this in my appliciation.
> I am building this all with the iajc ant task.
> Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong?
> - Eric
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- Eric

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