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[aspectj-users] cflow not working in J2EE (weblogic 8.1) ??


using AJDT 1.3.1, aspectj 1.5.1a
I've got cflow working in the eclipse env
ajdt cross references : OK
testclasses : OK

then I try to instrument a webapp (very basic Struts, no EJB calls) with
the same cflow
in Eclipse env - cross references page : OK

I build the webapp using maven2 aspectj plugin
joinpoint reporting by maven : OK
build successful

however: Running the webapp nothing happens
no errors, no output
I'm using weblogic 8.1 SP4
I can debug until :
-> CFlowCounter.isValid line:45
-> step in gives:
after that the 'instrumented method' returns - and that's it (which is not
enough of course)

All other instrumentations work just fine

So, should the cflow work ?
I'm I missing something ?

All input more than welcome



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