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Re: [aspectj-users] Need to enumerate all methods for selected advices of an aspect

Guys, thanks for help.

Filtering weave info from the ajc output seems feasible.

However, I did not succeed with the messageholder/handler
implementation. Aspectj 1.5.0 compiler does not recognize the
-messageHolder switch for me on win2003.

Tried to download source for 1.5.0, and found no single file,
just CVS web interface. Looked up the switch in source of It does exist but does not work
for me:

--- command ---
ajc -messageHolder MyMessageHolder -showWeaveInfo
Security.aj AbstractAspect.aj

--- output ---
[error] unrecognized single argument: "-messageHolder"

[error] no sources specified
...stripped compiler help

Here I gave up, as found no info or example about how to use this switch
and how to proceed with holder/handler implementation.

Anyway, AspectJ is great, but its not easy to get to the point
in the source.


>It is possible to use your own message handler which will
>then get callbacks for 'weave info' messages.  To see the kind
>of information you would get, turn on weave info messages
>in the AJDT options panel or pass -showWeaveInfo to the
>compiler.  If it looks like what you want, write an implementation
>of IMessageHolder and pass the class name with
>-messageHolder to the compiler ... I think that will work, although
>I've not tried it !!

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