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[aspectj-users] problems with load time weaving and rmi communication


i wrote an aspect, that collects performance data for every public method in my webapplication that has a special annotation. The corresponding pointcut looks like this:

pointcut probeMethod(Object object): execution(@MyAnnotation * *.*(..)) && this(object);

i integrated the aspect in my tomcat container and activated load time weaving (-javaagent:aspectweaver.jar). then i wrote a simple servlet that has a public method with this annotation (the method just waits a short time via Thread.sleep()) and tested it with a little stress test (jwebunit test), that permanently called the servlet request. Simultaneously i observed my servlet container (tomcat) via jconsole (heap memory usage, loaded classes). the memory usage was constant while the test was running and the aspect worked fine.

now i extended my annotated method with rmi communication, like the following:

       Properties prop = new Properties();
prop.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory");
       prop.put("java.naming.provider.url", "t3://MyIP");
       InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(prop);
       Object objref = ctx.lookup("MyBean");
MyServiceHome beanHome = (MyServiceHome) javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objref, MyServiceHome.class);
       MyService myService = beanHome.create();

Now i started my stress test again. The Aspect again worked fine but i amazed about the memory usage: While running the test the heap memory usage increased permanently (up to 1 GByte!!). Additionally i noticed that classes where loaded permanently (noticed this with jconsole).

This phenomenon does only occur when i add bean communication via rmi. without that, everything works fine.

does anyone has an explanation for this? i assume the load time weaving mechanism has problems with rmi communication, but i don't know why...


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