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Re: [aspectj-users] @AJ or conventional syntax?

#: Eduardo Rocha changed the world a bit at a time by saying on  11/21/2005 2:58 PM :#
I would like to know if people are willing to move to @AJ syntax when
possible, or prefer to continue with traditional syntax even when
dealing with Java 5.

Which one do people find better for reading?

A major drawback I see with @AJ syntax is that it doesn't allow me to
navigate through the marked join points (in Eclipse).

I would like to hear from other users.

aspectj-users mailing list

As pointed in one of my previous mails I would migrate to @AJ syntax immediately it reaches the richness of traditional approach. Unfortunately, at this moment I don't have enough time to give it a chance, but I am keeping an eye on it and immediately I feel it is there I will jump to use it.

Matt how comes that these are complementary? Shouldn't be the same think writting your code in @AJ or in traditional mode/style?

.w( the_mindstorm )p.

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