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[aspectj-users] [ot] Eclipse AspectJ code snippet


Firstly, I would like to excuse myself for posting the question here, but I am not aware of any other place where I can do it. Please feel free to point me to the correct direction.

Now, my question is about the code snippet at page 293 :

The following pointcut and advice ensure that any time we try to insert or update a domain object that requires validation, we first validate the object to make sure it satisfies the business constraints:

pointcut insertOrUpdate(RequiresValidation domainObject) :
  (execution(* SimpleInsurance.insert*(..)) ||
   execution(* SimpleInsurance.update*(..)))
   && args(domainObject);

Wouldn't this be instead:

pointcut insertOrUpdate(RequiresValidation domainObject) :
  (execution(* SimpleInsurance.insert*(..)) ||
   execution(* SimpleInsurance.update*(..)))
   && this(domainObject); // <<< this instead of args

thanks for understanding,

.w( the_mindstorm )p.

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