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Re: [aspectj-users] [aj5] Javaagent reload ??

#: Mathieu LEMAIRE changed the world a bit at a time by saying on  10/5/2005 10:19 AM :#
Maybe I did not explain myself clearly..

I'm using JVMTI java agent to enable load-time weaving. The trouble is that classloading and weaving happens only once at the start of JVM... What I would like to do is to reload all classes between each testcase using a different aop.xml to change the set of aspects.

Is that possible ? Any clue would help a lot !!


I don't think this is possible. In order to make the JVM unload the classes, you should be able to assure that those are not referenced anymore and their parent classloader can be destroyed.

hmmm, it looks like a very interesting question :-).

.w( the_mindstorm )p.

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