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[aspectj-users] Problems using iajc with Ant

I am trying to use the iajc compiler to build aspects, and I keep getting the error:
[iajc] C:\Derby\aspderby\java\build\org\apache\derbyBuild\ [error] The import org.apache.derby cannot be resolved

[iajc] import*;

[iajc] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I am not getting this error with javac, I am attaching the build.xml file.

I saw a posting on the eclipse list at: where the same problem has been addressed:

"The imports that iajc was complaining about were not listed as inputs in my
build.xml file. After adding them, iajc compiled them fine. What's peculiar is
that the 'javac' task didn't complain about the missing input files. Perhaps
the 'javac' task searches for referenced, but missing, classes? I don't know,
just speculating."

I tried adding the above folder in my class path, but I still keep getting the same error. Can someone please tell me how to get around this issue?



Irum Godil.

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<?xml version="1.0"?>

<project default="build" basedir="../../../../../..">

<!-- Set Properties -->
  <!-- User settings -->
  <property file="${user.home}/"/>
  <!-- Set property lib dir -->
  <property name="properties.dir" value="tools/ant/properties"/>
  <!-- Significant dirs -->
  <property file="${properties.dir}/"/>
  <!-- Compiler settings -->
  <property file="${properties.dir}/"/>
  <property file="${properties.dir}/${build.compiler}.properties"/>
  <!-- Compile-time classpath properties files -->
  <property file="${properties.dir}/"/>
  <property file="${properties.dir}/"/>

<!-- Targets -->
  <target name="build" depends="compile"/>

  <target name="compile">
  	<echo message = "IRUMMMM"/>
  	<echo message = "${}"/>
  	<taskdef resource="org/aspectj/tools/ant/taskdefs/">
  	  	  	      <pathelement location="c:\\aspectj1.2\\lib\\aspectjtools.jar"/>
  	<taskdef name="iajc" classname="">
  	  <pathelement location="c:\\aspectj1.2\\lib\\aspectjtools.jar"/>
  	  <pathelement path="c:\\aspectj1.2\\lib\\aspectjrt.jar"/>

  	  		<iajc bootclasspath="${empty}"
  	  						 <pathelement path="c:\\aspectj1.2\\lib\\aspectjrt.jar; ${compile.classpath};${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar;"/>
  	  						<pathelement path = "${derby.engine.dir}\\iapi\\services\\classfile\\*"/>
  	  						<pathelement path = "${}\\tools\\*"/>  	  			
  	  				<pathelement location="C:\\Derby\\aspderby\\aspects"/>  				
  	  				<pathelement location="${}"/>

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