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Re: [aspectj-users] Reusable aspects that have concrete aspects in different packages

Nope, not missing import statements. :) I found the cause of this all: the abstract pointcut stateChanges(Subject subject) in observer.SubjectObserverProtocol.aj was not public. So abstract pointcuts should be declared public if one want to implement abstract aspects in other packages. Though I observed that if the pointcut stateChanges(Subject subject) in observer.SubjectObserverProtocol.aj were NOT abstract and NOT public, then the compiler wouldn't complain...


Ramnivas Laddad wrote:

I think SubjectObserverProtocolImpl.aj is missing some import statements.


Ramnivas Laddad,
Author, AspectJ in Action

Dmitri Mamrukov wrote:


I was exploring the possibility to introduce reusable aspects into my project. So I wrote an abstract aspect A in one package and an implementation aspect that concretizes the abstract aspect A in a *different* package. However, I get a compile error "inherited abstract pointcut ... is not made concrete in ...".

For instance, after I added the Subject-Observer Protocol example (examples/observer) to my Eclipse workspace, I created another package and moved observer.SubjectObserverProtocolImpl.aj to that new package (In meanwhile, I accordingly modified the visibility of classes in the package observer and their methods and added appropriate imports to

This way I get a compile error:

"inherited abstract pointcut observer.SubjectObserverProtocol.stateChanges(observer.Subject) is not made concrete in SubjectObserverProtocol.aj Observer Example/src/observer"

Am I missing anything? Do I have to confine abstract and concrete aspects to the same package? Is there a way to write concretizing aspects in different packages?

Any suggestion would be appreciated,

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