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Re: [aspectj-users] cflow(within(C)) vs (within(C) || cflowbelow(within(C))

 Chi-Hua (and others),

Neat problems. I've some simple ways to dodge the issue, but as I played with your code, I kept coming up with more and more weird behavior.

aspect, TraceClass, and was hoping that the aspect would print out all
the join points in SomeClass.
The simple way to do this is to just use:
   pointcut pc : within(SomeClass);

To avoid infinite recursion, in
TraceClass I used "!cflow(within(Trace*))" as the pointcut. However, I
was not getting any output.

If you want to avoid tracing the trace, the best way to do this is to just say "!within(TraceClass)".

Now for the fun.  If I replace your pointcut with :

   pointcut pc() : !cflowbelow(within(TraceClass))

Then I get:

   at test.SomeClass.<clinit>(
Exception in thread "main"

But if I just add "&& !within(TraceClass)" or "&& !within(SomeClass)" then oddly enough the problem goes away. So what else is there? Mysterious.

To make matters even more fun, I changed the pointcut to be:

   pointcut pc() : cflow(within(Trace*));

and now when I run it, not only do I get the same output as above, but I get a dialog box appearing with the title "Java Virtual Machine Launcher" saying "Could not find the main class. Program will exit."

Wowsers.  Anyone know what is going on?

package test;
public class SomeClass {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
package test;
public aspect TraceClass {
   pointcut pc() : cflow(within(Trace*));  // JVM dialog box error
// pointcut pc() : !cflowbelow(within(TraceClass)); // ExceptionInInitializerError

   before () : pc() {
       System.out.println("-> " +


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