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Re: [aspectj-users] array pointcuts?

Hi Wes,

You are right of course. It's not that I was asking for array pointcuts
as a new feature, it was more my surprise that they don't exist already,
and I wondered if there might be future plans to include them.
That said, perhaps my use case is mildly interesting for others. I am evaluating
AspectJ as a tool to enforce policies on untrusted dynamically loaded code.
WeavingClassLoader works really well! I am very pleased with how
quickly I can prototype different restrictions. One of the policies I'm looking
at is restricting mutation of arrays, and that is where my question came from:
there is no way to make pointcuts on array read/write access.
Again: it is not a major issue for me, and otherwise there is always the
source available :-)


> Hi Mark -
> Most useful when asking for a new feature is a compelling 
> use-case.  It's safe to say at this point that many features 
> have been considered and rejected, typically not because they 
> couldn't be implemented, but because the increased power 
> wasn't worth the complexity and confusion given the limited 
> value of the use-case.
> One test (that this case may or may not pass) is that 
> the feature should behave the same after minor edits that
> programmers would take as being identical, so the aspect
> doesn't change accidentally.  
> Wes

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