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[aspectj-users] A possible compiler bug when using declare error


  I just run into a weird compiler errors when using "declare error".

  Here is what I declared inside a class that acts as a base for
different test cases. The aspect is intended to watch that the hook
methods are not called by others, they are only intended to be
overridden as necessary:

  private static aspect HookMethodCallControlAspect {
    declare error : !within(TransferTableTestBase) && 
        call(**(..)) : 
        "Hook methods are not to be called outside the parent class

  At least to me this seems like a perfectly sensible error declaration.
However, it causes very strange compiler errors that are totally
unrelated to the above declaration (TransferTableTestBase is the class
that contains the above aspect:

can't find type [;
can not resolve this member: java.lang.Object [I.clone()
can not resolve this member: java.lang.Object
[;.clone() [Xlint:unresolvableMember]
can not resolve this member: java.lang.Object
[;.clone() [Xlint:unresolvableMember]
can't find type [I

  These error messages do not make much sense, e.g. the last one claims
it can not find type of int[].

  All these errors disappear once I comment out the above declare error

  Any ideas? It seems like a compiler bug.


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