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[aspectj-users] Ant task


I'm trouble to create to build.xml file for my application... 
I have a component named boilerSystem in the JAR format (just .class).
I want to create a JAR file with my aspects (just the .class too), and
then make the weaving between the too jars.
The aspects have imports to the boilerSystem classes. 
The ant task I've created so far is: 
<target name="compile_tracker" depends="init">
    <taskdef resource="org/aspectj/tools/ant/taskdefs/">
		<pathelement location="${lib}/aspectjtools.jar"/>
   <iajc outjar="${dist}/tracker.jar" 
	  sourceroots="tracker" <!-- that is the dir where the aspects are -->
	  Xnoweave="true" <!-- I don't want the weaving to happen now -->
		<pathelement location="${lib}/boilerSystem.jar"/>
		<pathelement location="${lib}/aspectjrt.jar"/>

But the compiler says:
     [iajc] [error   0]: error build config error: unable to create outjar file:
 C:\Arquivos de programas\eclipse\workspace\boilerSystem3\dist\tracker.jar

And that is it... Nothing else to help. 


Camila Rocha

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