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Re: [aspectj-users] AJDT Compiles


	AJDT: 1.1.11
	Eclipse 3.0
	MyEclipse ID 3.8.0 Beta 2

I have a Aspectj project setup with the output directory as a link to the classes directory in my Web project. In the Aspectj project, I have source files and in addition to that, I have aspectj InPath definition to perform final weaving into an external jar along with my source files. The behavior I am seeing is that on some if I add in a new Aspect, it does not always get compiled into the code. The only way for me to guarantee that this occurs is that I perform a "Clean" then build then I am always sure to get the code

Same setup here, on Linux and on MacOS X. I have talked to the myeclipseide guys and they are aware of a bug where the myeclipseide build system (JSP Compiler) and the AspectJ compiler can crash eclipse. You can search their support forums to get more informations. And they have fixed this issue for 3.0 final.

I can not confirm the behaviour you are reporting. But I can confirm, that this is true for properties files. I have properties files on the build path and they do not get copied over to the classes folder if I change them. I have to clean the project ...

I I then remove the aspectj nature, everything is ok. But what I can report is, that the behaviour on MacOS X and Linux is different. I had problems on MacOS X where the same project did not make troubles on Linux. Troubles means, Exceptions while building the project.

Probably 3.0 final will fix some problem, while some problems are related to the aspectj compiler (properties files) - but I am not sure, have not proven that in a simple aspectj project without myecliseIDE.



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