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Re: [aspectj-users] AspectJ and memory management

Hi -

> Basically, if a class A has a stateful "perthis" introduction X, which 
> adds an implementation of the interface Y to A, then I want to control 
> how instances of X are managed.  

Lazy construction?


In AspectJ, you can declare that a class implements an interface
and you can define method(s) on another type; as a result, an
aspect can define the implementation of an interface on a class:

  interface I { void m(); }
  class C {}
  aspect ImplementingIOnC {
     declare parents: C implements I;
     public void I.m() { ... }

(Introduction (a term that is deprecated in favor of 
"inter-type declaration") and perthis aspects are different beasts.  
ITD's provide mixin functionality.  perthis or pertarget aspects 
provide associations, but no changes to the type or to 
method signatures.)

So there is only one object when C is instantiated, and it includes
anything defined on it from any aspects.

If you want to code the implementation of I using techniques
to control initialization or persistence of any state, you're
free to do so:

  aspect ImplementingIOnC {
     declare parents: C implements I;
     public void I.m() { getIDelegate().m(); }
     IImpl I.delegate
     synchronized I I.getIDelegate() {
        if (null == delegate) {
           IImpl created = IImplFactory.create();
           delegate = created;
        return delegate;

Sometimes it helps to tailor the lifecycle for a specific target:

  /** used for all I implementations (knows-about I and IImpl only) */
  aspect ImplementingI { ... } // see above, without declare-parents

  /** tailor I to C (knows-about both ImplementingI and C) */
  aspect ImplementingIOnC {
     declare parents: C implements I;
     /** save I after closing C */
     after (I i) returning : target(i) && 
           execution(void C.close()) {
       IImpl iimpl = i.delegate;
       if (null != iimpl) {;

As for per{this|target|cflow} aspects, if you do end up 
interested in controlling initialization, you'll find the 
programmer can't control when they are instantiated, but 
you can manage aspect state to be lazy in the same way.

Hope this helps -

> ------------Original Message------------
> From: Rickard Öberg <rickard@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Sat, Aug-7-2004 12:24 PM
> Subject: [aspectj-users] AspectJ and memory management
> Hi!
> I am investigating how it would be possible to implement memory 
> management techniques for introductions in AspectJ.
> Basically, if a class A has a stateful "perthis" introduction X, which 
> adds an implementation of the interface Y to A, then I want to control 
> how instances of X are managed. Specifically, an instantiation of A 
> should not cause an instantiation of X. An invocation of Y on A must 
> enable X to be instantiated and loaded with persistent state, and after 
> the invocation it must be possible to GC X (compare this with, for 
> example, JDO and EJB EntityBeans). This allows for the construction of 
> a 
> scalable domain model using introductions.
> I've looked around in the documentation but can't find much info on how 
> introductions are managed, in this sense. Is what I'm after possible to 
> do in AspectJ?
> If yes, then how? If no, then why not?
> Thanks,
>    Rickard
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