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Re: [aspectj-users] [Newbie] Pick out a call / execution only in the hierarchy leafs


I realized that the reason because the call-based pointcut is not working for me is that I'm not weaving a third party classes, which are clients of my classes via the "Hollywood principle". I don't want to weave my aspects into these classes if I can.

So, to avoid this weaving I'm enforced to use an execution-based aspect. Now the question is how to pick out execution join points only in the hierarchy leafs, with the requeriments stated in the previous posts. In other word, is it possible to achieve with an execution-based pointcut the same result of:
  public pointcut getOptionsPointcut(OptionHandler targetObject) :
    call(public String[] OptionHandler.getOptions())
    && target(targetObject)
    && target(Randomizable+)

Thanks in advance.

Petecan wrote:

Hi again,

Thanks. I have already tried it, but this pointcut definition fails in capturing what I need (Am I doing something wrong?):

 public pointcut getOptionsPointcut(OptionHandler targetObject) :
   call(public String[] OptionHandler.getOptions())
   && target(targetObject)
   && target(Randomizable+)


The only partial solution I have found is using a combination of execution and cflowbelow:


public pointcut getOptionsPointcut(OptionHandler targetObject) :
  execution(public String[] OptionHandler.getOptions())
  && within(targetObject);

String[] around(OptionHandler targetObject) :
getOptionsPointcut(targetObject) && !cflowbelow(getOptionsPointcut(OptionHandler)){
   showJPInfo("Around GET", thisJoinPoint);
return WekaUtils.appendOptions(getOption(targetObject), proceed(targetObject));


But that don't works, because although it solves the chained advised problem described in the first post, it adds the following problem when I have aggregated Randomizable & OptionHandler objects and I want to retrive its options.:

 class A implements  OptionHandler, Randomizable{
     private A anotherA;
     String[] getOptions(){
       super.getOptions()        ...
anotherA.getOptions(); //<==This call is not adviced and I want to!!.

This is giving me a serious headache.

Best regards

Bruno Feurer wrote:

sorry, use "target" instead of "withincode"! we don't have a method
pattern here...

-----Original Message-----
From: aspectj-users-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:aspectj-users-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Bruno Feurer
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 11:09
To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [aspectj-users] [Newbie] Pick out a call / execution only in the hierarchy leafs

Hi Petecan,

try ...

  public pointcut getOptionsPointcut() :
      call(public String[] OptionHandler.getOptions())
      && withincode(Randomizable+)

As stated in the Programming Guide (
c/progguide/language-joinPoints.html#d0e1288) calls should not capture super calls.


-----Original Message-----
From: aspectj-users-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:aspectj-users-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Petecan
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 11:30
To: aspectj-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aspectj-users] [Newbie] Pick out a call / execution only in the hierarchy leafs

Hi all,

I have the following two interfaces:

 public Interface OptionHandler{
    String[] getOptions();

 public Interface Randomizable{

And I want to advice all calls to the

OptionHandler.getOptions method
within Randomizable & OptionHandler implementing classes. I use the following pointcut and advice:

 public pointcut getOptionsPointcut() :
     execution(public String[] OptionHandler.getOptions())
     && within(Randomizable+)

 String[] around() : getOptionsPointcut(){
   return Utils.appendOptions(getOption(), proceed());

Now, given the following hierarchy:

 class A implements  OptionHandler, Randomizable{
     String[] getOptions(){

  class B extends A{
     String[] getOptions(){

The poincut captures both the getOptions() execution in A and
B, and I want it to capture only the execution in the "leaf" class of the hierarchy (class B, in this case). In other words, the A.getOptions must be picked out only if it is directly invoked but not if it

is called
from a redefining method via the super reference. How can I do that?. Is there a better or more elegant way of defining the pointcut to capture these joint points?.

Best Regards

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