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[aspectj-users] java.lang.StackOverflowError -- Pointcut written incorrectly?

Hello -- 

I am getting a java.lang.StackOverflowError when attempting to trace using the following

note that on line 15 (the before() rule) I have the following: 
!execution(String *.toString()) 
-- which is designed to prevent this type of problem from occurring. It didn't help.
I added the rule:
&& !execution(StringBuffer *.append(..))
hoping that would help things too. It didn't. 

I am going to assume the worse, which is that I have miscoded this, and this is simply a
case of 'smoke in the cockpit'. So any and all help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

2004-06-23 09:10                                                  Page 1

    1	// Listing 2.9
    3	import org.apache.log4j.*;
    4	import org.aspectj.lang.*;
    5	public aspect LogAndTraceAspect {
    6	  private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("trace");
    8	  LogAndTraceAspect() {
    9	  	logger.setLevel(Level.ALL);
   10	  }
   12	  pointcut traceMethods() : 
   13	  	(execution(* *.*(..)) || execution(*.new(..)))&& !within(LogAndTraceAspect ||
java..* || javax..*);
   15	  before() : traceMethods() && !execution(String *.toString())&&
!execution(StringBuffer StringBuffer.append(..)){
   16	  	Signature sig = thisJoinPointStaticPart.getSignature();
   17	  	logger.log(Level.INFO, "Entering ["
   18	  				+ sig.getDeclaringType().getName() + "." 
   19						+ sig.getName() +"]"
   20						+ createParameterMsg(thisJoinPoint)
   21						);
   22	  }
   24	  after() : traceMethods() {
   25	  	logger.log(Level.INFO, "Exiting ["+ thisJoinPoint + "]");
   26	  }
   28	  pointcut logMethodExceptions() : 
   29	  	call(* *.*(..)) && !within(LogAndTraceAspect);
   31	  after() throwing (Throwable t) : logMethodExceptions() {
   32	  	if (logger.isEnabledFor(Level.ERROR)){
   33	  		Signature sig = thisJoinPointStaticPart.getSignature();
   34	  		logger.log(Level.ERROR, "Exception encountered ["
   35	  				+ sig.getDeclaringType().getName() + "." 
   36	  				+ sig.getName() +"]", t);
   37	  	}
   38	  }
   40	  private String createParameterMsg(JoinPoint jp){
   41	  	StringBuffer paramBuffer = new StringBuffer("\n\t[This: ");
   42	  	Object[] arguments = jp.getArgs();
   43	  	paramBuffer.append(jp.getThis());
   44	  	paramBuffer.append("]\n\t[Args: (");
   45	  	for (int length = arguments.length, i=0;i < length; ++i){
   46	  		Object argument = arguments[i];
   47	  		paramBuffer.append(argument);
   48	  		if (i != length-1) {
   49	  			paramBuffer.append(',');
   50	  		}
   51	  	}
   52	  	paramBuffer.append(")]");
   53	  	return paramBuffer.toString();
   54	  }
   55	}


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