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[aspectj-users] GoF design patterns and AspectJ, updated

Hi all,

As part of our ongoing work on design patterns and AOP, we have recently
updated our library of AOP implementations of GOF design pattern. The new
code can be downloaded from

The new implementations are more concise, and show how the AspectJ
implementations of the patterns make the two different perspectives on the
system (the concrete participants and abstract design pattern) more
apparent. We did this by avoiding type names in our participant classes that
correspond to roles in the pattern. Thus, it is easier to distinguish
between the abstract pattern roles (like Observer, Composite,
ConcreteCommand) and the concrete types in the examples (like Screen,
Directory, or ButtonCommand). We believe this clarifies the examples
considerably. Note that some AspectJ library implementations use empty
interfaces internally to describe roles. Here we use pattern role names,
since they are not bound to a particular example, but to a general pattern
implementation. Being able to see clearly in the code that: "[...] Point
implements Subject" and "[...] Screen implements Observer" helps to cleanly
conceptualize how pattern and participants map to each other.

For those who do not know about this project: we implemented sample systems
using the 23 GoF design patterns in AspectJ (and Java, for comparison). For
most of the 23 patterns we achieved a better decoupling between the
participants using AspectJ. Unsurprisingly, the patterns involving
crosscutting profit the most from an AOP implementation. For 12 cases, the
patterns could be given a reusable AspectJ implementation, which means that
we created a small library of reusable design pattern aspects. The other
examples show differences in Java and (non-reusable) AspectJ
implementations. Most design patterns show some form of modularity
improvement in their AspectJ version (compared to the Java version). All
examples are documented in ajdoc.

The reusable library aspects are abstract aspects that define the workings
of the pattern: roles, communication protocols, and ordering of events. For
instances of design patterns, these abstract aspects are extended by a
concrete aspect that assigns the pattern roles to participant classes,
identifies conceptual operations by concretizing abstract pointcuts, and
concretizes abstract methods. Both the reusable and the non-reusable
implementations usually increase modularity of the (example) systems by
moving dependencies between the pattern participants to aspects.

Of course, we are always interested in improving the code base. Please feel
free to contact me for comments, questions, or suggestions. We are also very
interested in concrete applications of AOP design patterns - please share
your experiences with us.

Jan Hannemann

Department of Computer Science
University of British Columbia

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