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[aspectj-users] Reduced compile times for AspectJ-1.2

In preparation for AspectJ-1.2, I've been working on reducing the compile
times for AspectJ.  In particular, I've been attacking the time to weave
advice.  This round of optimizations can reduce compile times by about 2-4X.
We expect to make nightly builds available within the next week to people
who want to start testing early versions of 1.2.


The attached graph shows the amount of time that weaving adds to a pure Java
compile as a fraction of the pure Java compilation time.  These numbers are
based on a benchmark written by Noel Markham with input from Matthew Webster
and myself (see org.aspectj.ajdt.core/testsrc/  The
different columns measure advice that applies to different sets of join

For these results, the base system has 125 classes with 100 methods of 10
lines each (125KLoC).  There are two groups of pointcuts.  The first group
applies only to execution join points and the second only to field gets.
Within each group of pointcuts, there are three versions.  The first only
applies to bytecode in a single class and should be easy to handle with a
fast match.  The second version also can only apply to bytecode in a single
class, but it should require more work from the matcher to determine this.
The third version actually applies to all of the corresponding join points
-- this version does a lot of work and we expect it to take some serious

The across-the-board performance gains came from a combination of removing
some very expensive debugging code and from Erik Hilsdale's "bug-fix" to
bcel for a Locale bug that as a side-effect of Erik's offended design
aesthetic removed a lot of slow reflective code used to generate instruction
lists.  The additional performance gains for the execution-based tests came
from an optimization to detect the cases where no shadow mungers could match
join points in the body of a method and if so to not generate all of the
shadows for the body.  It's interesting that this can be almost as fast as
the simple fast-match speed-up in the first case.

There's always more performance work to be done but this should be a nice
improvement for the AspectJ-1.2 release.

Jim Hugunin -

Attachment: bench1.gif
Description: Binary data

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