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[aspectj-users] Weaving whole JARs -- what happened to copyInJars?

Hi *;

i try to weave my aspects to a bunch of complete JAR files; i.e. i start
with a JAR "build/some.jar" containing META-INF files and i want to end up
with the same structure, a jar file "build/aspect/some.jar".

There are some options (injars, outjar) that seemed to make that work
easier, but they do not work exactly as i would need it.  The problem is,
that the non-class files are stripped from the resulting jar, if i have ajc
or iajc read or create it.

A working procedure would be extracting the non-class files into the dest
directory in a second step, after iajc has created the woven class files
there, and create a jar containing these files and the woven class files.

This looks pretty kludgy to me, espescially since there was a "copyInJars"
option to do this task at once.  Is there any alternative to the "treat
non-class files seperately" approach?

Any hint appreciated,

- Thomas

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