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Re: [aspectj-users] Future plans for AJDT

Nicholas Lesiecki wrote:
Would it make sense to trigger a build for changes in java files but not it
aspect files?


Yes. As I told Wes, I only have two aspects that hardly ever change, so that would make perfect sense for me.

On a side note, my aspects hardly ever change because I make it a practice to try to refactor out all possible logic from my aspects into separate classes. This puts the meat of the logic in a Plain Old Java Object, which has a couple of benefits:

First, I don't have to deal with all the (current) limitations of the aspect editor in my IDE (code completion, syntax highlighting).

Also, I can now write standard pure-java JUnit tests against my logic, without having to worry about dealing with woven classes.

I know this probably doesn't apply in every case, but it works good for me.

I have also used this approach to make my project be able to use AspectJ and AspectWerks interchangably (for the most part).


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