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[aspectj-users] getSourceLocation returns <unknown>:0


I'm trying to find some bottlenecks in my application by measuring my calls to the database.

measuring is fine but the information I get from the joinpoit is almost useless. Because it does not tell me which of my joinpoints (position in code) it was.

I get:
getSignature: int java.sql.PreparedStatement.executeUpdate()
thisJoinPoint: call(int java.sql.PreparedStatement.executeUpdate())

I don't know why I don't have any information at the sourcelocation.

I'm using the following iajc target:
       <iajc argfiles="src\de\mgmedv\perfload\collector\duke.lst"
               <pathelement path="lib/aspectjrt.jar"/>

Where temp.jar is my application and in the duke.lst are my aspects.

I have a Hello World example where I don't have a injar. The source
is included in the .lst file. Here I get the line in the code where the aspect
is used.

Does the getSourcelocation not work if I use classes as input?

I hope someone knows what I am doing wrong,

Michael Dempfle

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