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Re: [aspectj-users] AspectJ Limits

On Donnerstag, September 25, 2003, at 01:03  Uhr, Mike Baroukh wrote:

You are right !
This way, it works.

But the problem remain :
I ask aspectJ to print something when method run() is called, but it
will not be always possible, isn'it ?

What I mean is there are case where the pointcut is unusable but there
will be no compilation error. For example,

pointcut whenToString() : execution(void String.toString(..));

Will never be called !

AspectJ woves your aspect at compile time to the libraries and classes you specify calling the aspectj compiler. I do not know if it is possible (never done this), but you have to specify Suns JDK classes as injars (option -injar) to the aspectj compiler. This way, your aspects will be woven into Suns JDK classes. Have a look in the archive, you will find at least discussions about weaving aspects to third party libraries (licensing issues).



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