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Re: [aspectj-users] target(object and al extending objects)

Ron Bodkin wrote:
You're close:
pointcut findConstructors(SomeSuperClass superclass):
 	call( && target(superclass);

This doesn't seem to work. It compiles, bit this pointcut finds nothing.

I have one superclass "SuperClass" and a few classes extending from that superclass "ClassA", "ClassB", and so on.

In my application I never construct a SuperClass, I only have

ClassA a = new ClassA ();
ClassB b = new ClassB ();
so I never have (for example)
SuperClass something = new ClassA ();

If I write this:

pointcut findConstructors () : call (;

after () : findConstructors () {
	//do something

Everything works fine (the after advices is executed for every new instance of ClassA, ClassB ...). But in that after advice I want to do something with the object just constructed (of type ClassA, ClassB, ...).

Your suggestion is:

pointcut findConstructors(SuperClass superclass):
  	call( && target(superclass);

with this advice:

after (SuperClass obj) : findConstructors (obj) {
	//do something with obj (type SuperClass, but I will cast it)

That does compile, but it doesn't do anything. The after advice never gets executed. My IDE (eclipse) also indicates that that is the case.

Am I missing something?

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