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[aspectj-users] pointcut help

I'm trying to join on different part of my code.  Some methods throw exceptions, and some don't.  I'd like to advise each type of method differently.  I have the following pointcuts:

pointcut exceptionThrowers() : execution(public * my.package..*.*(..) throws Exception+ );
Object around() throws Exception : exceptionThrowers()
// Waves hands...

pointcut nonExceptionThrowers() : execution(public * my.package..*.*(..)) && !exceptionThrowers();
Object around() : nonExceptionThrowers()
// Wave hands...

When I run the code, the only advice ran is the around() : nonExceptionThrowers().  What do I need to do to advise exception throwing and non-exception throwing code differently?  Is my nonException pointcut hiding the exceptionThrowing pointcut?

Keith Sader
Nash Resources Group sub-contracting for Computer Sciences Corporation
We've got a blind date with destiny, and it looks like she ordered the lobster.

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