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RE: [aspectj-users] General Best Practice Question

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Mike Ehlers said:
What I'd ultimately like to do is be able to have no logging code in our application.  All logging would be done in advice.  That way logging could be tweaked with no change to the base application.  I'm having a problem figuring out how to make that happen.  We have logging statements peppered throughout the code.  Methods can exit with errors for different reasons.  We do try/catch in our code and its the specific functionality which indicates whether the information logged is an error, warning or informational.

Have other had the same issues?  It would seem that error messages, using aspects, would be more "Generic".  Has that been found to be acceptable?  How do the correct severities get logged?

I guess, ultimately, I'm looking for some best practices from an actual application that's been put into production.  Anyone have any best practices that they can share?
I'll let other on the list share experiences from their applications, but let me make a general comment about the use of AspectJ, or really any AOP tool for pervasive logging.
Sometimes, in order to get the logging you want, you have to refactor the main code some, for example to introduce method calls in the right places.  For example, you might have a big method like:
  /* do part 1 */
  /* do part 2 */
  more(a, b)
  evenMore(b, c)
and you end up refactoring it to something like:
  doPartOne(a, b, c);
  doPartTwo(a, b, c);
(of course the names would all be more reasonable).
so that you can easily log the two parts.
The issues you mention may be amenable to such refactoring, as above, or for example to make sure there is a method call at each point where you enter a scope in which the meaning of a certain kind of throw changes.
Sometimes people have an initial reluctance to have to refactor the base code, believing that the base code should be entirely oblivious to the aspects that advise it. But, experience suggests that refactoring the base code is fine, as long as the refactoring is actually making the base code more clear, as opposed to changing it in some idiosyncratic way, just for the aspects. For example, the refactoring above probably makes the base code more clear, and so its reasonable to do.
In applications that have a clean module structure for the non-crosscutting concerns, judicious use of pointcuts with wildcards can often be very effective in handling logging. You can also use the cflow && !cflowbelow idiom for logging the outermost throw, or percflow and a flag for logging the innermost one.
This next part is speculation: I believe that as more advanced research in AOP continues, and finds its way into the commercial tools, we will develop pointcuts that are subtle enough that less of this kind of refactoring will be required. I don't know how popular such fancy pointcuts will prove to be in practice though, and in any event they are several years away. 

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