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[aspectj-users] Tracing declare error messages back to the aspect

Ron's email prompts me to ask another question on declare-error:

The compiler emits error messages stating the rule and the offending source code, but they do not trace automatically back to the declare error/warning statement. Sometimes instead of changing the source code you want to change or omit the rule, and you have search the aspect sources for the error message text. This is informal at best and won't work for library aspects.

One solution would be to have a mode in the compiler that also printed the signature of the enclosing aspect (the declare error/warning statement itself does not have a signature). A variant is to print the source location for the declare, only defaulting to the signature if source were not available. We might even want to enable this as a "lint" mode, though that's a stretch.

Further, it would be great if IDE support could navigate back to the declare error statement. This might be hacked into our current IMessage/ISourceLocation implementation using a downcast to an ISourceLocation implementation that actually carried both source locations, but defaulted to the error source.

- Do others think this is a problem?
- Are there other use-case scenarios for declare-error to consider?
- Any obviously-better implementation strategies?

For this to become a feature, we'd need to start with some demand from users and a feature request in the bug database.


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