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Re: [aspectj-users] Using AOP to implement double dispatching technique

Hi Rudi,

I think you are mixing up 2 different techniques in your implementation:
- static dispatching (like usual Java-code, but now using introduced methods) - "dynamic" dispatching (using dynamic pointcutcut designators, advice, etc.)

Within your code your have both implemented:
- the after advice rather looks like a dynamic dispatcher (by the way: you should use an around advice) - the introduced methods "displayOn" are the "real" static double-dispatchers

Since you seem to be concerned about performance and contamination of classes, your should skip the advice/pointcut and move everything belonging to the double dispatching to an aspect:

- introduce "display(GraphicalElement ge)" to class Screen.
- introduce a "displayOn (Screen screen)" to Point and Line.

So, the code should look like:

aspect ScreenGraphicalElementDDs {
  public void Screen.aoDisplay(GraphicalElement ge) {
  public void (Point || Line).aoDisplayOn(Screen s) {
  declare parents: (GraphicalElement) extends AODisplay;
interface AODisplay {
  public void aoDisplayOn(Screen s);

Some remarks:
1. you could put the code for performance measurement to an aspect
2. from my point of view GraphicalElement should not contain the double dispatch method: instead this should be shifted to an aspect 3. I am still accustomed to AspectJ 1.06 and i am not familiar with how introductions are now specified. Maybe the introductions like (Point || Line) are no longer valid in 1.1 and you have to add 2 different introductions to it.


Vankeirsbilck, Rudi. (BE - Merelbeke) wrote:
Hi all,
First some introduction on double dispatching, my actual question is below. Very frequently, I use the double dispatching technique to solve the following problem: Consider 4 classes, A, B, C and T where A is the abstract superclass of B and C, T is a third party (i.e. with respect to A, B and C). The latter needs to process A's and has different processing for B and C types of A. You can image that there will be a method like
public void process (A anA)
defined on the T class.
Most people will implement this method as:
public void process (A anA) {
    if (anA instanceof B) {
        B aB = (B) anA;
        /* include code to process B objects
    else {
        C aC = (C) anA;
        /* include code to process C objects
some may even introduce separate methods to actually process B and C. In addition, I typically introduce a method on A, B and C such as the following:
public abstract void process (T aT);
Classes B and C implement this abstract method to call the two methods on T that deal with processing Bs and Cs. The implementation of the process (A anA) method on the T class then simply calls the process method on A, passing this as an argument. In doing that, I am actually using polomorphism or Java's method dispatcher to implement the if-then-else. The primary advantage of the above technique is that when new subclasses of A are introduced there is no need to modify the process method (maybe the if-then-else appears in more locations that in the process method), al we need to do is add a new process method on the T class that accepts the new subclass of A.
A disadvantage is that I am actually contaminating A.
I know that most of you will know the above technique but that was just as an introduction. While I was looking into AOP (finally), I will come as no surprise that AOP seemed like an excellent way to implement the double dispatching technique without contaminating A. HERE IS MY ACTUAL QUESTION: I succeeded in implementing it using AOP but I would like some confirmation of more experience guys like you all that there is no better way to do it in AOP. You will find my code attached in Also, I discovered that there is a performance penalty for AOP. The AOPPerformanceTester class prints out the following: Testing display of points using immediate method dispatching:10

Testing display of points using double dispatching:20

Testing display of graphical elements using instanceof and casting:30

Testing display of graphical elements using AOP:110

The first 3 are in line with my expectations, but the last one is a bit of a surprise. I looked at the generated code (using a decompiler because I could not find an obvious way to look at the generated .java file) and I found that the display method (which is post-processed by the aspect) is actually called twice. Is this related to my implementation or is this a problem of ajc?

Many thanks for having a look at my question,



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