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Re: [aspectj-users] Philosophical Questions

Merrick Schincariol wrote:
In the middleware space, I would certainly agree that a library of pointcuts is probably just as important as a library of fully defined aspects. When interfacing with an established system, it would be very difficult for a new developer to understand the control flow required to intercept a JMS message, for example. In fact, for library writers in general, it would be an interesting experiment to provide a series of pointcuts for use with AOP instead of built in complex interceptor stacks (as Tomcat and Axis have done).

But I think that one of the keys points with AspectJ is that even if you extend an abstract aspect and reuse it's pointcuts, your advice is still defined relative to the pointcut, not independent of it. If we assume that most advice is tightly coupled with the pointcut or type of pointcut it depends on, then the separation of these concepts becomes more of a burden than a benefit.
Agreed.  I was just pointing out the fact that a case can be made for both approaches:  advice and pointcuts tightly coupled or clearly separated and reusable independently of each other.

In my opinion, an AOP framework should provide both.


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