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[aspectj-users] Mastering AspectJ--new book availiable

Hello folks. I will admit that the purpose of this post is somewhat
commercial, but I hope you’ll forgive me as it should be relevant to most
of the readers of this list.

John Wiley has just released *Mastering AspectJ,* a book I coauthored with
Joe Gradecki. We feel that this book represents the first comprehensive
examination of the language, and it’s the first book to cover the new
features in AspectJ 1.1.

We dedicated the first half of the book to a thorough tutorial on the
concepts of AOP and the AspectJ language. Although new users can use the
book to get up to speed quickly, even experienced AspectJ programmers can
learn from its investigation of language subtleties. The book relies
heavily on concrete examples of working AspectJ code. Several of the
examples are refactored over the course of multiple chapters, allowing to
the reader to follow the process of developing a “first idea” into a
working AOP solution.

The book also covers such topics as:

* Aspect Reuse
* Aspects and Design Patterns (including an example that uses Jan Hanneman
and Gregor Kiczales’ GoF pattern implementations)
* Incorporating AspectJ into an already developed application
* Day to day development with AspectJ—using the AspectJ tools (including
IDE integrations)
* Error Handling and Common Problems

You can purchase Mastering AspectJ at at the following URL:

As many of you know, I follow this list. I’ll attempt to provide personal
support for the book whenever necessary. You can also email me directly
with questions at:


Thanks and happy reading,

Nicholas Lesiecki

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