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[aspectj-users] about class versioning

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Maybe this is not the right list to post this question.

When using CVS, it could be interesting to use its keyword substitution 
capabilities to publish RCS version of each class at runtime.
The easier way of accomplish this is by defining a constant or a method that 
just returns $Revision: $ or $Name: $.
The main problem is that all source files have to be modified. This seems to 
be the right context in which to use aspectj. The problem is that the keyword 
substitution is managed by cvs in a per-file basis, it's not directly known 
inside an advise.

So probably the solution could be to develop a simple ajc pre-compiler, that 
generates the source code of an aspect, filling up a map with all version 
information for each file, by asking cvs with cvs status and parsing the 
output. This aspect would be responsible of providing all version-related 
information to all classes.
Is this already done? I mean, of course not exactly the same, but performing 
some steps before actually calling ajc inside ant?

Sorry if I've bothered you.

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