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[aspectj-dev] AspectJ 1.9.6 (Java14) released

Slightly later than I intended, AspectJ 1.9.6 is now available! It includes support for Java14. There is a small example using the new Record syntax in the readme:

One of the key issues fixed here was an intermittent verify error during weaving: which is fixed by a patch from Joseph MacFarlane (thanks Joseph). A tricky one to get to the bottom of.

For the first time with 1.9.6 there is also an AspectJ matcher jar published (aspectjmatcher) - this can be used for matching pointcuts without bringing in all the weaver infrastructure. It can be useful in some contexts (eg Spring AOP) where the matching is necessary but no weaving. In particular I have seen cases where native-images (produced with GraalVM) for Spring applications can benefit from just including the matcher rather than the weaver, if that is all they need.

I am waiting for it to sync to central, it is on the regular download page:

My goal for 1.9.7 will be to *try* and sort out the github situation so we can properly work on the project there (issue tracking and pull requests)


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