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Re: [aspectj-dev] Problem of weaving unkown classes

It isn’t clear to me if you will be successful loadtime weaving Thread itself. It might work but it may be loaded too early for the aspects to apply to (in which case, use binary weaving before starting the app). However, for it to work with execution() you need to specify -Xset:weaveJavaPackages=true in your aop.xml file. I presume -showWeaveInfo option will tell you if you are hitting what you expect.

If you are sure you don’t care about the can’t find type message, because it is talking about types you *know* you aren’t interested in then you can turn it off. Something like -Xlint:ignore in the weaver options in aop.xml, or something more fine grained to just turn off cantFindType.

Or you could limit which types are being examined using the <include/exclude within …> clause in the weaver options section or add a within/!within to your pointcut.

Is it the errors being printed that slows down your app or the errors occurring in the first place? If it is the printing, the lint config option will help. If it is the latter, you have to limit what you are weaving (via the within clause). Maybe an exclude clause on will help you - but I’m not sure if you are expecting to catch join points in there or not.


On Mar 29, 2016, at 10:29 AM, Denis SEMMAU <denis.semmau@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I’ve this error message in aspectj : 
[AppClassLoader@14dad5dc] error can't determine superclass of missing type org.netbeans.lib.profiler.server.ProfilerRuntimeCPUFullInstr
when weaving type
when weaving classes
when weaving
Maybe due to my aspect :
@Before("call(public void Thread+.start()) && target(childThread)")
Or :
@After("execution (public void")
However, this error has a large impact on the performances of my application.
Could you tell me how to fix it please ?
Best regards, 
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