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[aspectj-dev] Aspectj 1.6.12.M1 released

AspectJ 1.6.12.M1 is now available.

You can grab it here:

The readme describes in more detail the changes in 1.6.12.M1:

Some bug fixes, some language enhancements.
- optimized annotation value binding for int values.
- compiler will now respect the difference between @SuppressWarnings
for 'unchecked' and 'rawtypes'.
- loadtime weaving with java security on, signed jar weaving will work
OK even when closures are generated.

We are still accepting feedback on memory consumption under AJDT.  If
anyone wishes to try out the latest options, please see:
The options will likely be on by default for 1.6.12 final.

Latest AJDT dev builds have 1.6.12.M1 in them, and it is in our
SpringSource maven repo.

 <name>SpringSource snapshots</name>

AspectJ team

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